This is most certainly
not the motto of Her Majesty's Royal Mail Service. As it turns out, many British postal workers have decided to go on strike. Now for me, this basically only means that the delivery of my "Love Film" (British version of
Netflix) DVDs are delayed, no big deal really. Except that my lovely mama sent me a package almost 2 weeks ago and I still haven't gotten it ::pouts::. Do you know what this package contains? Edible Gold: None other than boxes of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, which I have been craving for weeks and which you cannot buy anywhere on this island. Just the thought of that neon-orange cheese powder sets my heart a-beating with longing. I bet if the postal workers new how I was suffering they'd forget their contract demands, rush off the picket line, and start sorting mail...
Ah well, aside from the trauma of
waiting for my Mac & Cheese it's been a pretty uneventful week so far. A big highlight was Tuesday, when I spent the morning shopping with
Celyn. Of course, as I was walking to meet her I managed to spill coffee all over my white shirt (I guarantee it wouldn't have happened if I was wearing black)- so the first order of business was a visit to H&M to buy a new shirt- my first officially item of maternity clothing (even though I don't really need mat clothes yet, it seemed practical to buy something that I'll actually be able to use in a few months). "Auntie"
Celyn was very excited to buy some baby items, so went to the department store,
Debenhams, where the selection of unisex clothing is admittedly sparse. We found a soft little blue and white striped sleeper though, and couldn't resist it. I suppose it is more boy-oriented, but it would totally work for a little girl too. Another Auntie
Celyn purchase was a teeny-tiny little panda sweater from
Topshop, which we both couldn't help going all squidgy and slushy over- I'll post pictures at some point!
Because I had been craving Japanese noodles for awhile, we opted for lunch at the delicious
Wagamama. It was
oood! It was one of the best days I've had in awhile, and after lunch I walked
Celyn back onto the university campus- we both went into the library,
Celyn to work on dissertation research, me to use the bathroom (if that doesn't sum up the difference in our lives right now, I don't know what does!). I was surprised with the little tinge of sadness I felt when I realized that it was the last day my student card would admit me into the Arts & Humanities Library. I don't think it had anything to do with nostalgia about time spent hunched over piles of articles copied from the
Austrian History Yearbook, but more about the ending of what was probably the most dynamic year of my life. The idea that everything is about to change.